Each year East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG) develops a Transportation Improvement Program for the St. Louis region. The TIP is a financial and implementation schedule for projects receiving federal transportation funding in the St. Louis region. Projects identified in the TIP are prioritized from, and must be consistent with, the St. Louis region’s 20-year Long-Range Transportation Plan. The TIP is part of a larger regional transportation planning process that also includes the long-range transportation plan and the Air Quality Conformity Determination (AQCD).
The TIP consists of a four-year program: the current federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) plus the next three consecutive federal fiscal years. EWG modifies the TIP annually by adding a new fourth year and advancing the first of its future years to current status. While the projects in the TIP are shown for a four-year time period, the emphasis is on the first three years. Presenting a four-year span allows for a more systematic forecast of funding needs during a four-year planning cycle, and provides a more comprehensive view of the program for public information purposes.
FY 2025-2028 TIP
The FY 2025-2028 TIP includes federally funded projects for the fiscal years beginning Oct. 1, 2024 and ending Sept. 30, 2028. This TIP and related AQCD were approved by EWG’s Board of Directors on August 28, 2024.
- The TIP - this is the complete TIP, including the appendices.
- The AQCD - this is the complete AQCD, including the appendices.
- Approval Letters
- Annual Listing of Obligated Projects
- Amendment 1 - September 2024
- Amendments 1 and 2 - October 2024
- Amendment 1 - October 2024
Throughout the fiscal year, project sponsors request modifications to projects that may require an amendment to the TIP document. Amendments are approved for Illinois and Missouri projects. These amendments are approved by EWG’s Board of Directors.
Illinois TIP Amendments
Missouri TIP Amendments
TIP Supplements summarize the administrative and Board approved changes that have been made to the TIP. TIP Supplements are issued on a regular basis throughout the fiscal year.
Currently, there are no supplements to the FY 2025-2028 TIP.
Reasonable Progress
EWG has adopted a Policy on Reasonable Progress. The Policy on Reasonable Progress ensures that projects funded through the local programs maintain the schedule as proposed in the project application. Failure to meet the Policy will result in the loss of federal funds for the project.
Throughout the period covered by the TIP, EWG issues reasonable progress updates which list the projects within the current fiscal year that are subject to the Sept. 30th deadline to obligate federal funds and the project’s status with respect to meeting the deadline. The most recent Reasonable Progress update is available here.
Project Obligation Reports
EWG also issues an Annual Listing of Projects Obligating Federal Funds that includes projects in the St. Louis region that were obligated during the previous fiscal year.
Transportation Planning Committee
The Transportation Planning Committee (TPC) promotes, oversees, and provides local government input into a comprehensive regional transportation planning program for the St. Louis region. It makes recommendations to EWG’s Executive Advisory Committee and Board of Directors regarding the TIP and Long-Range Transportation Plan.
Meeting Information
Looking for TIPs or Obligation Reports from Prior Years?
EWG’s Library contains important agency documents including those from prior years. Use the links below to access the FY 2014-2017 TIP through the FY 2024-2027 TIP or Obligation Reports for FYs 2013 through 2024.
Missouri Department of Transportation Federal-Aid Project Workshops
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) conducts workshops each fiscal year for project sponsors who have a project programmed in the current TIP. There are three workshops covering the design process, right of way acquisition, and construction.
Below are the presentations from the most recent workshops.
MoDOT Workshop Presentations
- Federal-Aid Local Public Agency (LPA) Design Process Overview – 11/29/23
- EWG Local Project Delivery – 11/29/23
- LPA-Right of Way Workshop Presentation – 12/07/2023
- MoDOT Threatened and Endangered Species Presentation-11/09/2018
- LPA Construction Workshop Presentation – 05/02/2024
- Contract Dispute Resolution