Great Streets Initiative


East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG) launched the St. Louis Great Streets Initiative in early 2006 to expand the way communities think of their streets. Rather than viewing a roadway project as solely a way to move more cars and trucks faster, the goal of the St. Louis Great Streets Initiative is to trigger economic and social benefits by centering communities around interesting, lively and attractive streets that serve all modes of transportation. Since 2007, EWG has continued to provide scalable planning assistance in Missouri and Illinois across a diversity of places.

Digital Design Guide

East-West Gateway developed the Digital Design Guide. This guide includes articles and recommended resources on many different topics relating to Great Streets.


Current and Completed Projects by Type

Detailed Plan Projects

Generating a detailed plan generally takes 8-10 months and consists of a multi-disciplinary team, multiple rounds of community engagement, and development of significant data and analysis. The deliverable is a detailed planning report with implementation measures, which will be owned and championed by the local community to be implemented over time.

Strategic Plan Projects

This approach, less detailed in nature, is centered on a four day community charrette with a simplified scope of work and smaller, though still multi-disciplinary team. This approach considers the wide range of characteristics and issues that contribute to a Great Street, while aiming to articulate the significant issues and broader vision for the community.

Planning Panel Projects

East West Gateway convenes a panel of diverse planners and agency stakeholders to address very localized community issues. The Planning Panel meets over a four day period with representatives from multiple communities to craft concept memos (one for each community) that provide practical, actionable, and coordinated recommendations.


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