Where We Stand (WWS) tracks the health of the St. Louis region among peer metropolitan areas and provides a consistent yardstick to gauge “where we stand.” The first edition, relesed in 1992, ranks the region among 30 peers on a range of topics, including demographics, the economy, and education. In this edition, the peer regions are metropolitan areas that had a population of 950,000 people or more and was within 500 miles of St. Louis, or had an economic function similar to the St. Louis region. The first edition of WWS was released under the banner of “A Region Responds: Preparing the Gateway for the Future” with a companion document, “How We See It” and a “Statistical Supplement.” How We See It presents results of a survey that was intended to increase the understanding of community sentiment and priorities.
Where We Stand, The Strategic Assessment of the St. Louis Region, 1st Edition
Community & Economic Development