East-West Gateway’s October 2023 Map of the Month shows the percentage of households considered to have limited English proficiency (LEP). An LEP household is one where no member over the age of 14 either possesses native fluency or speaks English “very well.” Areas with the highest concentrations of LEP households include Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, Lemay and Affton in St. Louis County, as well as city neighborhoods such as Bevo and Dutchtown. In the East-West Gateway region, 2.1 percent of individuals over the age of 5 are considered of LEP. The most common language spoken at home for LEP individuals is Spanish. The second most common language group among LEP individuals is the category “Russian, Polish, or other Slavic languages;” this category includes Serbo-Croatian and Bosnian. The third most common language is Chinese, including both Mandarin and Cantonese. East-West Gateway is committed to ensuring these individuals have access to its programs, offering language assistance as outlined in its LEP Plan. For more information on this plan, please visit: www.ewgateway.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021-Title-VI-Program_Final_Appendix-5.pdf.
Percent of Households with Limited English Proficiency, October 2023