2025 – 2030 St. Louis Regional Plan Update
Frequently Asked Questions

What is hazard mitigation?
The term “mitigation” means to make less harsh or severe. Hazard mitigation activities are actions that can be taken to protect people and property from natural hazards such as floods, severe storms, and extreme temperatures.

What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP)?
A HMP presents information about natural disasters, levels of risk, and strategies for local governments and school districts to take to reduce the adverse effects of natural hazards including tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, severe winter or summer weather, flood, earthquake, dam failure, or wildfire. The goal of the Plan is to identify the voluntary key actions and opportunities for each jurisdiction. A HMP does not provide any funding, but the Plan makes it possible for your community to apply for some types of funding.

Why is the HMP being updated?
FEMA requires HMP be updated every five years. The 2025 – 2030 St. Louis Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan will be the fifth HMP for Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis counties and the City of St. Louis. Jurisdictions must participate during the plan development process and adopt the new plan with a new resolution for each update. The HMP covers about 200 separate jurisdictions!

Why is a HMP important?
Why is the Plan important? Limited federal funding, for projects like flood buyouts and tornado safe rooms, is available to assist communities prepare for some natural disasters, and this funding is only available to counties, cities, special districts, and school districts that have adopted the plan by resolution passed by their local governing body and participated in the development of the plan.

What are the Goals and Mitigation Action Strategies of the Hazard Mitigation Plan?
St. Louis Regional HMP goals are based on grant fundable measures. Although not all mitigation strategies are fundable, most listed below meet those criteria.  More Info…

What about Madison, St. Clair, and Monroe counties in Illinois?
Illinois is in a different FEMA region than Missouri and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency handles HMPs on a county level rather than an regional level as in Missouri. For more information on Illinois county plans, contact the county directly.

Can I participate in the Plan?
Yes! We need to hear from everyone we can to learn more about priorities in your community, what natural hazards you have, and what you’d like to see accomplished.

Please click on the link on the right or scan the QR code to take our survey. It only takes 5 – 10 minutes of your time and helps EWG develop a better plan. Thank you!

More Information
To learn more about the steps you can take to prepare for any type of disaster, check out Ready in Three: Actions you Can Take Now from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Let us know your thoughts

Click on the link or scan the QR code to take our survey.

Questions or Comments?

Contact EWG staff  by email at hazardmit@ewgateway.org.