Every three years East-West Gateway Council of Governments (EWG) updates its Title VI Program. The Title VI Program describes how EWG will comply with the nondiscrimination requirements found in the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and executive orders that address environmental justice (EJ) and persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) (Title VI). EWG is dedicated to an inclusive planning process that ensures that citizens are informed about and given meaningful opportunities to engage in regional planning efforts and decision making. EWG’s Title VI Program is designed to protect against discrimination and ensure that all agency planning processes are fair and consider issues that impact disadvantaged residents.
Program Documents
EWG’s Title VI Program was updated in 2024 based upon guidance issued by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Certain parts of the Title VI Program (e.g. demographic profile, LEP plan) rely heavily on a data-driven analysis of the St. Louis region’s population. Based upon FTA’s guidance and EWG’s data analysis, this Title VI Program provides the strategies and processes that EWG uses to ensure that its programs and activities are implemented in a nondiscriminatory manner.
EWG’s Title VI Program includes the agency’s Title VI assurance and public involvement plan. You can find all of the Title VI Program’s appendices in the Library.
Complaint Procedures
EWG has implemented Title VI Complaint Procedures that outline EWG’s Title VI complaint process. The Title VI Complaint Procedures are available in both English and Español. EWG also has a Title VI Nondiscrimination Complaint form available in English and Español. The complaint process and procedures are included as Appendix 3 in the Title VI Program.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
EWG has also implemented a language assistance plan referred to as the LEP Plan that describes EWG’s strategies for providing language assistance to LEP persons and how EWG will notify LEP persons about the availability of language assistance. As described in the LEP Plan, EWG will provide language assistance services free of charge and upon request. The LEP Plan also analyzes the most recent data available about the St. Louis region’s LEP population. The LEP Plan is included as Appendix 5 in the Title VI Program.
EWG developed maps that reflect a spatial analysis of the data used in the Title VI Program, including the data used in the LEP Plan. These maps provide information about demographic characteristics of the St. Louis region’s population such as low-income persons, zero-vehicle households, LEP persons, and minorities, among others. The maps are included as Appendix 8 in the Title VI Program.
Brochures and Informational Cards
To help citizens understand their rights under Title VI, EWG has developed a series of brochures and informational cards. Several of the brochures and cards are also available in Español. You can also find all of the brochures and cards in the Library.